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The City of Apalachicola Florida, requests proposals for: RFP 2022-03 – City of Apalachicola Request for Proposals for Qualified Contractor for Restoration/Reconstruction for Middlebrook (City Hall) Warehouse DUE 10/20/22 RFP 2022-04 – City of Apalachicola Request for Proposals for Qualified Contractors for Restoration/Reconstruction for Harrison-Raney (HCA) Warehouse DUE 10/20/22 And requests for qualifications for: RFQ 2022-02 – Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services for CDBG Projects…
This is a draft of the 2022-2023 annual budget. Nothing in the budget is final and there will be many changes before the final budget is adopted. Preliminary 2022-23 Draft Budget Budget Calendar Proposed Fee Schedule